The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Head of district in Volgograd Region and deputy of district Duma to stand trial

Volgograd Region investigating bodies of the Russia’s Investigative Committee have finished investigating a criminal case against head of Gorodishchensky municipal district – chairman of Gorodishchensky district Duma Tatyana Gorbunova and a deputy of the same Duma Olga Sheremet. Depending on the role of each one they are charged with crimes under part 5 of article 33, part 3 of article 30, part 4 of article 159, part 3 of article 30, part 4 of article 159 of the RF Criminal Code (complicity in attempted swindling and attempted swindling in an especially large scale).

According to investigators, in December 2012, Gorbunova offered her former colleague – a deputy of district Duma, who was a defendant in a criminal investigation over swindling and forgery committed when he held his office, to assist to make the verdict not guilty. The district head assured the man that she could have effect the results of the trial, but he should have given her 1 million rubles to give bribes to officials in court and 100 thousand rubles for her services as a mediator. The defendant agreed to that. To implement her plan Gorbunova involved as a mediator Olga Sheremet, who should have passed on the money. To conceal the crime Gorbunova demanded from the man to sign post factum a bill of debt for Sheremet on alleged debt of 300 thousand rubles. On 15 February 2013, pretending to pay back the inexistent debt the man gave the sum to the deputy, which in fact was the first part of the fee.

Investigators have gathered enough evidence and accordingly the criminal case with the approved indictment has been forwarded to court to be tried on the merits.

13 August 2013 17:49

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