The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Searches in investigation against high-rank official of the Russia’s Federal Customs Service suspected of attempted fraud

Investigating bodies of Moscow Inter-Regional Transport Investigations Directorate of the Russia’s Investigative Committee in cooperation with the “K” department of Economic Security Service of the Federal Security Service have conducted investigating operations during the investigation of a criminal case against the head of the Criminalistics Office of the Central Expert Forensic Customs Directorate of the Russia’s Federal Customs Service Vladimir Makarenko suspected of a crime under part 3 of article 30, part 2 of article 159 of the RF Criminal Code (attempted swindling).

According to investigators Makarenko and unidentified officials of the Russia’s Federal Customs Service deceived the CEO of OOO VLADPOLITEKS (LLC) by telling him that he had to give them 80 thousand rubles for a preliminary classification decision on the stock list code of foreign-economic activity at the Stock List Office of the Russia’s Federal Customs Service, but not having any powers to affect the decision. On 31 July 2013, Makarenko received the money in one of the cafes in Moscow.

At present searches are under way in the Russia’s Federal Customs Service and in Vmukovo customs. There are other investigating operations under way to find all the circumstances of the crime and all the persons involved.

21 August 2013 15:53

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