The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Investigation finished in Rostov-on-Don against Russian who committed crimes in Ukraine

The Rostov Region investigating bodies of the Russia’s Investigative Committee have finished investigating a criminal case against Ruslan Belashov charged with crimes under paragraph “c” of part 4 of article 162 of the RF Criminal Code (banditry) and paragraphs “a”, “g” and “h” of part 2 of article 105 of (murder).

According to investigators, in October 2008, Belashov together with a man convicted by Ukrainian court arrived in a village in Yasinovatsky district, Donetsk Region in Ukraine and broke into the houses of local people to steal things. When noticed by female owners of the houses Blashov and the second man hit them multiple times on head and neck, on one occasion with an axe head, on the second – with an iron bar, after which the women died. Then the accused and his accomplished stole money, in first case – 500 Ukrainian hryvnas, which at the period at the rate of Russian Bank equaled to 2 thousand 489 rubles and 12 kopecks, in the second case – 1 thousand 250 Ukrainian hryvnas, equivalent to 6 thousand 244 rubles and 96 kopecks. After that the two of them fled the scene and later divided the loot between them.

The law enforcement in Ukraine put Belashov on the international wanted list and in this view he was held in the Russian Federation. As Belashov is a Russian citizen he was not extradited to Ukraine. It was decided to try him in accordance with Russian laws.

Investigators have gathered enough evidence and the case with the approved indictment has been forwarded in court to be tried on the merits.

30 August 2013 17:02

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