The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Investigating actions against three persons under investigation over stealing of budget funds in the Moscow Region completed

The Central Investigations Directorate of the Russia’s Investigative Committee has completed investigation actions in a criminal case against Deputy Finance Minister of the Moscow Region Vladimir Nosov, former CEO of OAO (OJSC), founded by the Moscow Region government, “Moscow Region Trust Company” Vladislav Telepnyov and an economist of OOO “NES-Finans” (LLC) Yelena Kuznetsova. They are charged with crimes under article 159 (swindling), article 174.1 (legalization of money or other property acquired by means of crime), part 5 of article 33, part 4 of article 160 of the RF Criminal Code (complicity in embezzlement of budget funds on an especially large scale).

The said criminal case was severed in a separate lawsuit from the case against First Deputy Chairman of the Moscow region government – Finance Minister of the Moscow Region government Alexey Kuznetsov and other persons.

According to investigators, in the period between November 2005 and November 2008 the accused together with other members of an organized group led by Kuznetsov by deceit and abuse of confidence purchased from a number of enterprises of housing and communal services right to claim the debts from municipal entities in the Moscow Region worth more than 3.5 billion rubles. They legalized the said right by selling them to a commercial bank, which implementing the acquired right demanded debts from heads of municipal entities. In view of lack of the money demanded the heads of municipal entities got loans to pay the debts and repaid the loans from the Moscow region budget, the possibility of which was preliminarily prepared by Kuznetsov. The members of the criminal group also stole property owned by OAO Mosobltransinvest (OJSC) worth more than 7 billion rubles.

At present Nosov, telepnyov and Kuznetsova have started reading the materials of the case.

Alexey Kuznetsov, his wife Zhanna Bullah – CEO of company RIGroupp – and other members of the criminal group are internationally wanted.

13 November 2012 09:00

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