The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Criminal investigation into 2010 Tu-154 crash in Domodedovo finished

The investigating bodies of Moscow Inter-Regional Transport Investigations Directorate of the Russia’s Investigative Committee have finished investigating the criminal case against the 63-year-old aircraft commander Zakarzhe Zakarzhayev. He is charged with a crime under part 3 of article 263 of the RF Penal Code (violation of safety rules of traffic and operation of air transport inflicting by negligence death of two or more people).

According to investigators, on 4 December 2010, at 2:07 PM, Zakarzhayev, piloting a Tu-154M plane in good order, operated by OAO Airlines of Dagestan (OJSC), was travelling from Moscow (Vnukovo) – Makhachkala took off from the Vnukovo airport to the international airport Uytash (Makhachkala) with 7 more crew members and 163 passengers aboard. 29 minutes later, at 2:36 PM, the plane landed beyond the runway in the Domodedovo, on the soil with a considerable overrun, collided with an obstacle at the airfield and fell into pieces. The direct cause of the crash was violation of the commander Zakarzhayev of the requirements of the section “Approach and landing with two not working engines” of the Tu-154M flight manual. According to the conclusions of the comprehensive flight expert examination the violations made by Zakarzhayev are in cause-and-effect relation with the crash. 2 passengers were killed in the crash, 6 more passengers and 2 crew members got grievous bodily harm, 34 passengers and 2 crew members got light bodily harm and 15 passengers got traumas not entailing any bodily harm.

The accused, his defender, victims have been informed that the investigation was finished and are studying the files. After that the case will be sent for the indictment to be approved and further to court to be tried on the merits.

04 October 2013 15:23

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