The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Chairperson of city assembly of deputies in Chelyabinsk Region found guilty of violation of highway regulations resulting in death of her passenger

The court has found the evidence gathered by the investigating bodies of the Russia’s Investigative Committee in Chelyabinsk Region enough to convict chairperson of Kyshtym town assembly of deputies Ilyana Balakhonova. She was found guilty of the crime under part 3 of article 264 of the RF Penal Code (violation of highway regulations and rules for operation of transport means entailing by negligence death of a person).

The court and the investigators have found that in the morning of 7 March 2012, the woman was driving an Audi with two passengers inside. Near house No 2 in Konoplyanko Street in the town of Kyshtym Balakhonova lost control of the car and crashed into a concrete base of a gas pipeline. As a result of the traffic accident one of the passengers hit his head on the column in the car and died. The driver and another passenger were not hurt.

The court sentenced Balakhonova to a suspended 1.5-year prison term and 350 thousand rubles of damages.

03 November 2013 09:38

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