The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Investigation finished in Arkhangelsk Region against former CEO of Apkhoblenergo branch

The investigating bodies of the Russia’s Investigative Committee in Arkhangelsk Region and Nenets Autonomous Area have finished investigating a criminal case against former CEO of OOO Teploenergetika (LLC) and Nyandomsky branch of OAO ArkhoblEnergo (OJSC) Alexander Shmelyov, charged with crimes under paragraph “b” of part 3 of article 165 of the RF Penal Code (infliction of material damage by deceit on an especially massive scale), part 1 of article 201 (abuse of powers) and part 1 of article 238 (rendering services, which do not meet safety standards).

According to investigators, in 2008 Shmelyov, who was then the CEO of Teploenergetika, submitted to administration of Nyandomsky municipal district forged documents stating that his company had purchased black coal and fuel oil for the boiler houses in Nyandoma. Based on those documents Teploenergetika got a subsidy of over 38 million rubles from the budget of Arkhangelsk Region to compensate expenses resulted from uncontrolled rise of prices on fuel, more than 30 million rubles of the subsidy was received illegally.

In addition, in 2010 Shvelyov was the CEO of ArkhoblEnergo branch in the town of Nyandoma in Arkhangelsk Region and concluded fictitious contracts on execution of works and transferred 9 million rubles to the accounts of another commercial organization without executing any works. The said money was meant for purchasing spare parts and repairs under the plan of preparing the boiler houses of Nyandoma for the season autumn-winter 2010-2011. In fact, the stock of materials necessary for emergency repairs of the equipment was not made.

As a result of the abovementioned actions as well as due to use of black coal, which did not do for stoking the steam boilers, in February 2011 the temperature in the flats of 51 houses inhabited by over 5 thousand people dropped to 7-12 0C, i.e. the services rendered to the people did not meet the safety standards.

Over two years Shmelyov hid from law enforcement in Moscow Region. At present he is in a pretrial detention center.

Investigators have gathered enough evidence and the case with the approved indictment has been sent to the court to be tried on the merits.

05 November 2013 08:56

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