The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Sentence passed over former staffer of Moscow United Power Company

Court has found the evidence gathered by Moscow Interregional Transport Investigations Directorate enough to convict 53-year-old former chief engineer at 3rd operation district of branch No 20 at Backbone Heat Networks of OAO Moscow United Power Company (OJSC) Nikolai Kotkov. He was found guilty of the crime under part 3 of article 204 of the RF Penal Code (commercial bribery).

The court and investigation have found that Kotkov by virtue of his position took part in accepting into operation reenacted heat networks and thermal systems of the consumers and had the right to make and sign necessary permits. He detected considerable violations of technology, order and rules of construction carried out by OOO SMT-Stroy (LLC) concerning construction of heat supply systems of the group of buildings of otolaryngology department of the Federal Medical-Biological Agency, which did not permit to put the buildings into operation. Wanting to make some profit, the defendant offered the deputy CEO of the construction company to give him 1 million 200 thousand rubles, in exchange he promised not to put in the documents the violations he had detected and which could not be repaired, say verbally about the defects, which should be repaired, help in preparing, making and further reconciliation of technical documents necessary to put the buildings in operation. On 26 July 2013, in his office Kotkov received part of the demanded sum of 200 thousand rubles. In exchange he signed a part of documents necessary to cut in the backbone heat network.

To make his intention complete, on 18 September 2013, in a café Kotkov received from the CEO of SMT-Stroy 1 million rubles and was detained.

Kotkov admitted his guilt, told in detail about the circumstance of the crime and the court tried his case in a special order.

The court gave him a suspended sentence of 2 years in prison and a fine of 6 million rubles.

16 December 2013 15:35

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