The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Flight recorders found during investigation into An-12 crash in Irkutsk examined by investigators and passed over for further investigation

The investigating team of the East Siberian Transport Investigations Directorate continues investigating the criminal case launched over December 26, 2013, An-12 cargo plane crash in the suburbs of Irkutsk as containing signs of the crime under part 3 of article 263 of the RF Penal Code (violation of rules for safety air traffic safety entailing death of two or more people by negligence).

All 9 dead bodies have been identified by the victims’ relatives questioned as victims. Forensic medical expert examinations have been assigned. The crash scene is being examined. Investigators have confiscated from the IRKUT scientific production corporation flight documents, personal data files and pilots’ log books, the technical maintenance documents, magnetic recording media containing talks between the crew members and flight dispatchers and indications of control of radiolocation service at the Irkutsk-2 Vostochny airfield, pilots’ medical certificates.

They have questioned the workers of Irkutsk aircraft factory involved in organization of the flight and its filling, weathermen and employees of flight operational control service of Irkutsk-2 Vostochny, medical personnel, who examined the crew members before the flight.

The flight recorders found at the crash scene have been seized, examined and passed over for further investigation to the commission of the Russian Ministry of Trade and Industry set up to look into the crash.

The investigators are looking at the pilot’s mistake, technical failure of the plane and bad weather conditions as the main versions of the crash. Investigation is ongoing.

28 December 2013 09:33

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