The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Second suspect of killing GTRK Kabardino-Balkaria host Kazbek Gekkiyev established

The North Caucasus Federal District Main Investigations Directorate of the Russia’s Investigative Committee continues investigating a criminal case over murder of news host of VGTRK GTRK Kabardino-Balkaria Kazbek Gekkiyev.

During the inquest investigators have seized videos from surveillance cameras of organizations, companies and private houses located on the way the criminals had possibly take to retreat. As a result of studying these videos investigators together with operational officers of Kabardino-Balkaria Ministry of Internal Affairs have identified the second killer. It is Inoyat Tabukhov, 24. It should be noted that Kabardino-Balkaria investigating bodies of the Russia’s Investigative Committee launched criminal proceedings into Tabukhov’s disappearing, who, as investigators believe, in that period joined an illegal armed group.

Today Tabukhov has been put on the federal wanted list. At present active search and investigative operations are under way to establish whereabouts of the suspect and detain him. Investigation is to be continued.

14 December 2012 16:16

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