The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Criminal proceedings launched over death of newborns in a maternity hospital in Pyatigorsk

During direct telephone communication of the Investigative Committee Chairman with citizens in November 2012, a representative of one of public movements addressed Alexander Bastrykin requesting to check death of newborns in a maternity hospital in Pyatigorsk in 2012 with doctors and medical staff to be blamed. Alexander Bastykin ordered to carry out a check into the information

Stavropol Territory investigating bodies of the Russia’s Investigative Committee have checked death of newborns in a Pyatigorsk maternity hospital in 2011. Based on the results of the check they have launched three criminal cases over signs of a crime under part 2 of article 109 of the RF Criminal Code (infliction of death by negligence owing to the improper discharge by a person of his professional duties).

According to investigators, in February, June and August 2011, three newborns– a girl and three boys died in the Pyatigorsk maternity hospital. According to conclusions made by Stavropol Territory Ministry of Public Health their death could have been avoided if medical staff had performed their professional duties properly.

At present investigating operations are under way to establish all the circumstances of the crimes and to gather all necessary evidence. Investigation is to be continued.

19 December 2012 17:25

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