The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

In Perm Territory on orders of Investigative Committee Chairman measures taken for careful investigation of criminal cases in facts of abuse of children’s rights in Peshnigort children’s home

The Perm Territory investigating bodies of the Russia’s Investigative Committee continue investigating criminal cases initiated after information published in media about a number of rapes participants and victims if which were inmates of Peshnigort children’s home in the Perm Territory. Five teenagers are charged with rapes of inmates of the children’s home (paragraph “a” of part 3 and paragraph “b” of part 4 of article 131 of the RF Penal Code) and the firmer director of the facility with non-promised beforehand concealment of especially serious crimes (article 316 of the RF Penal Code).

During the investigation it has been found that the director of the children’s home knew that the inmates had committed the crime, but did not report it to the police. The investigators dismissed the woman from her position.

The investigators have run forensic medical and psychological and psychiatric expert examinations, interviewed all the inmates and staff of the children’s home.

Considering that the investigation drew a wide response and is under special control of the senior officials of the Russia’s Investigative Committee, Chairman’s senior aide Igor Komissarov was sent to the region on the order of the Chairman of the Investigative Committee. He held a briefing in the town of Kudymkar, where he listened to a report of the investigation team on the results of the investigations. Then he visited Peshnigort children’s home to see how the children live there. During the visit he found that the officials of Kama Region Social Development Ministry had not solved issues and problems the staff of the facility has and had not taken any measures to normalize the situation. The leadership of the children’s home accepted the offer of the territorial investigation directorate on patronizing the facility.

In addition, together with senior officials of the regional investigation directorate the senior aide took part in an interagency meeting attended by chairman of the Kama Region Government discussing prevention crimes committed against underage persons. During the meeting it was noted that one of the main reasons of the crimes in the children’s home was lack of professionalism of the staff, lack of oversight by controlling bodies while checking state children’s facilities and inefficiency of evaluation system. However, positive marks were given to experience of the Perm Territory in providing social support and aid to the families in a difficult situation and prevention of renunciation of children (social orphanage) and setting up baby boxes. In the period between November 2011 and February 2014 the baby boxes in the Kama Region received 5 babies and saved their lives. Over that period no persons who applied for help renounced their babies and over 250 families received help and support. The participants of the meeting noted that this practice is extremely needed and will be recommended to be adopted in other regions.

20 March 2014 16:26

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