The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Criminal investigation launched into sinking of Shans-101 fishing vessel

Investigating bodies of the Far Eastern Transport Investigations Directorate of the Russia’s Investigative Committee have launched criminal proceedings into the sinking of the Shans-101 fishing vessel in the Sea of Japan over signs of a crime under part 3 of article 263 of the RF Criminal Code (violation of the rules for traffic safety and operation of sea transport involving by negligence death of two or more persons).

According to preliminary data, the Shans-101 fishing vessel (homeport – Nakhodka, ship owner – ZAO Fishing Company Vostok-1) sank on 26 January 2013 in the Sea of Japan about 32 nautical miles off the shore of Terneysky district of Primorsky Territory. There were 30 crew members aboard, including 19 citizens of Russia and 11 citizens of Indonesia. 15 sailors have been saved, 15 are reported missing. Investigators have documents according to which the ship had left from the port Plastun of Primorsky Territory into fishing expedition. The ship was examined by Russian Sea Register in April 2012.

Investigators are looking into the following versions of the accidents: violation of sea navigation rules by crew and technical failure of the ship.

10 of the saved sailors have been delivered to the port Kholmsk, Sakhalin Region. A rescue ship with other 5 saved sailors, including the captain and his mates, will arrive at the port Haknodka, Primorsky Territory, today.

The saved sailors, who were delivered to the port Kholmsk, Sakhalin Region, have been questioned. According to the survivors, originally there were 18 people aboard a life raft, 8 people died of hypothermia. Their bodies were lowered outboard. The sailors say that the ship capsized due to the stroke of the wave during a maneuver. Two survivors have light frostbite, the rest – 2 and 3 degree frostbite.

Searches are underway in the ship owning company’s office in Vladivostok.

During the inquest investigators are going by all means find out all the circumstances under which the ship went to voyage, study technical state of the ship, qualify the actions of persons responsible for safety during the voyage. Investigation is to be continued.

28 January 2013 09:00

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