The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

One of organizers of mass disorders at Tornado festival in Chelyabinsk Region in 2010 detained

The Urals Federal District Investigations Directorate of the Russia’s Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation continued investigating a criminal case over mass disorders that took place on 29 August 2010 during the Tornado rock music festival in the Chelyabinsk Region.

In January 2013, the Ukrainian border service detained internationally wanted Maksim Popov, born in 1977, when he tried to cross the state border between Slovakia and Ukraine. According to investigators he is one of the main organizers of mass disorders at the Tornado rock music festival. At present his extradition to Russia is being discussed.

During investigation Popov was charged in absentia with crimes under part 1 of article 212 of the RF Criminal Code (organization of mass riots), paragraphs “a” and “c” of part 2 of article 282 (incitement of hatred to a group of persons on the bases of affiliation to a social group). The court ruled in absentia to put Popov into custody as a pre-trial restraining measure. It is known that he has previous police records for crimes against personality.

The accused Alexander Gir and Dmitry Pavlikov are still wanted.

Earlier 13 people have been prosecuted in the case over mass disorders at the Tornado rock music festival. In July 2012 all of them were sentenced to long terms in prison.

28 January 2013 10:00

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