The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Progress of investigation of criminal case over murder of TV host of state-owned broadcasting company Kabardino-Balkaria Kazbek Gekkiyev

The North Caucasus Federal District Main Investigations Directorate of the Russia’s Investigative Committee continues investigating a criminal case over murder of TV host of state-owned broadcasting company Kabardino-Balkaria Kazbek Gekkiyev.

During investigation it has been found that Zeitun Boziyev, born in 1982, a citizen of Nalchik is involved in the crime. According to investigators Boziyev is a member of an illegal armed group acting in Nalchik. Boziyev is also suspected of participating in the murder of chancellor of Kabardino-Balkaria Agricultural Academy Boris Zherukov, in the 2011 murder of two district police officers, in the 2012 murder of Traffic Police inspector, in encroachment on lives of military servicemen of inner forces of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs and an employee of Chereksky district Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Kabardino-Balkaria and in murder of investigator of especially important cases of the Kabardino-Balkaria Investigations Directorate of the Russia’s Investigative Committee Kantemir Kyarov and encroachment on the life of the investigator of the same department Alim Vorokov, in murder on 28 January current year of Lieutenant Colonel of Police Alexander Bukin.

Today investigators has got information that at 3 p.m. Boziyev offered armed resistance to the agents of the North Caucasian Federal District Interior Ministry during a special operation at a car selling shop in Nalchik. Boziyev was killed. Nobody of the police was hurt.

At present investigators are identifying the Boziyev’s body.

Measures are being taken to find and detain other suspects. Investigation is to be continued.

29 January 2013 16:12

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