The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Necessary documents ready to make submission to State Duma to strip Vadim Bulavinov of deputy immunity

The Nizhny Novgorod Investigations Directorate of the Russia’s Investigative Committee have checked the information listed in the materials forwarded from the regional Directorate of the Federal Security Service concerning deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Vadim Bulavinov over abuse of office while being head of administration in Nizhny Novgorod.

The materials of the check show that Bulavinov, acting in his personal interests and despite the interests of his service, in June 2005, ordered to give OOO Start-Story and Delta-Story (LLC) a piece of land on lease to construct a shopping and entertainment center. Bulavinov also illegally released the said companies from provided by law payment of 7% of cost of the finished shopping and entertainment center. To get material benefit, Bulavinov made his son Yevgeny one of the founders of the said companies and agreed his stake as 22.25%. As a result of illegal release of the companies from mandatory payments the city budget did not get 600 million rubles, which were to have been spent to accommodate people from ramshackle housing.

As there is a special procedure for prosecuting State Duma deputies, the Investigative Committee has sent documents to the General Prosecutor’s Office necessary to make a submission to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly to strip its deputy Vadim Bulavinov of immunity and consent on launching criminal proceedings against him.

30 January 2013 07:00

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