The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

In Sverdlovsk Region Deputy Head of Federal Antimonopoly Service Regional Office and her three accomplices face final charges over committing series of corruption crimes

Sverdlovsk Region investigating bodies of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation charged Deputy Head of the Sverdlovsk Regional Office of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation, Chief Specialist of the Public Procurement Department of the Sverdlovsk region, an employee of the state public institution "Capital Construction Directorate of the Sverdlovsk Region", and a 33-year-old resident of the city of Yekaterinburg with committing a series of corruption crimes. Depending on the role of each, they have been charged with offenses under Part 2 of Article 290 of the RF Criminal Code (acceptance of a large bribe committed by an official through an intermediary), Paragraph "c" of Part 5 of Article 290 of the RF Criminal Code (acceptance of a large bribe committed by an official through an intermediary), Paragraphs "a", "b" of Part 3 of Article 291.1 of the RF Criminal Code (mediation in large-scale bribery committed by a group of persons by prior agreement), Paragraph "b" of Part 4 of Article 291 of the Criminal Code (large-scale bribing of an official) and Part 2 of Article 291 of the RF Criminal Code (large-scale bribing of an official).

According to investigators, the defendants committed the above-mentioned crimes in October-December 2013. One of the accused - Deputy Chief of the Sverdlovsk Regional Office of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation, who was simultaneously holding the office of Chairman of the Commission for Control of public procurement through closed tenders and auctions, - was repeatedly receiving proposals (in person and through an intermediary) from other defendants to influence on the Commission's decision in favor of one or another entity participating in the auctions for design and construction of various objects for cash consideration. After agreeing to influence on the Commission’s decision for cash consideration, the official of the Federal Antimonopoly Service Office received unlawful monetary reward through her accomplices and then fulfilled those commitments. She has allegedly received a total of over 1.5 million rubles in four bribery episodes.

After the information about the FAS official’s misconduct had been reported to law enforcement authorities, employees of the Federal Security Service Directorate successfully conducted a special operation to detain her immediately upon receiving a bribe on December 13, 2013. Thanks to concerted and professional actions of employees of regional offices of the Investigative Committee and the Federal Security Service other participants of the criminal scheme were subsequently established.

Currently, investigative activities are completed. In connection with this, the accused will be given the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the materials of the criminal case. After that it will be submitted for the approval of the indictment and subsequently sent to the court for consideration on the merits. 

25 July 2014 12:50

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