The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Investigators of Urals Transport Investigations Directorate conduct pre-investigative check in Mi-8 crash in South Sudan

The Urals Transport Investigations Directorate of the Russia’s Investigative Committee has launched a pre-investigative check into a crash of a Mi-8 helicopter in South Sudan following a number of media publications.

According to preliminary reports, the Mi-8 AMT helicopter chartered for a UN mission in South Sudan, on 26 August 2014, was flying near the location of Bentiu. The helicopter failed to arrive at the airport of Ravkona on stipulated time as it had crashed. The captain, flight mechanic and flight attendant of YuTair airlines were killed in the crash. The second pilot was taken to a hospital by military men. The helicopter was destroyed.

As of the present moment investigators have requested additional information on the crash, victims and the helicopter from YuTair airlines. They are planning to question representatives of the airlines and the victims’ relatives. A procedural decision will be made following the check.

27 August 2014 15:21

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