The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

One of main defendant in case of mass brawl in Mineralnye Vody hospital found guilty of fraud

The Stavropol Region investigating bodies of the Russia’s Investigative Committee during the investigation in a mass brawl at hospital in the town of Mineralnye Vody opened under part 2 of article 213 of the RF Penal Code (hooliganism) and paragraph “a” of part 3 of article 111 (intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm) are taking measures to find out the circumstances of the crime, identify all the persons involved in the conflict and role of each of them in it.

A court has found one of the main defendants in the brawl case Andranik Tsalanyan guilty of a crime under part 3 of article 159 of the RF Penal Code (swindling).

The court and investigators have found that Tsakanyan, while being CEO of OOO Cash and Payment Center, illegally organized acceptance from residents of the town of Mineralnye Vody and its district payments for heat supply, which he took to himself and spent as he wanted.

The court sentenced Tsakanyan to 3 years and 10 months in jail to be served in a minimum-security penal colony, a fine of 70 thousand rubles and restriction of freedom for 1 year and 6 months.

Under the investigation in the brawl at hospital Tsakanyan was charged with crimes under part 2 of article 105 of the RF Penal Code (murder) and part 2 of article 213 (hooliganism).

The investigation is ongoing.

20 October 2014 16:04

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