The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Mayor of Makhachkala and his accomplices charged

Main Investigations Directorate of the Russia’s Investigative Committee within the criminal investigation into murder of Investigative Committee officer Arsen Gadzhibekov has brought official charges against Said Amirov, Magomed Abdulgalimov and Yusup Dzhaparov. Depending on the role of each one, they are charged with a crime under article 295 of the RF Criminal Code (encroachment on the life of a person conducting a preliminary investigation, including organization and complicity), part 1 of article 222 (illegal handling of firearms).

Investigators believe that mayor of Makhachkala Said Amirov contracted Gadzhibekov’s murder. The organizer was assistant prosecutor of the town of Kizlyar Magomed Abdulgalimov, accessories – deputy mayor of Kaspiysk Yusup Dzhaparov and an investigator of Kirov district department of internal affairs in Makhachkala Magomed Akhmedov, perpetrator – Magomed Kadiyev.

At the same time investigators have found that Magomed Abdulgalimov and Magomed Akhmedov had a hand in a 2011 attempted murder of Natalia Mamedkerimova, a staffer of a prosecutor’s office in Dagestan. Investigators believe that Abdulgalimov was the organizer and Akhmedov the hitman.

8 criminal cases over encroachments on officers of the Russia’s Investigative Committee, staffers of the prosecutor’s office and civilians in Dagestan have been filed in one lawsuit and are being investigated in the Main Investigations Directorate together with the ones mentioned above. They are also cases over murders of a municipal deputy Magomedgadzhi Aliyev, a staffer of prosecutor’s office Abdulbasyr Omarov and several others. Investigators have found that the crimes were committed either by contract or were motivated by personal vengeance, but always connected with the victim’s official duties. There are 11 people arrested in this case. They are under investigating operations at the moment. Investigators do not rule out that there might be more charges against the above mentioned persons and the circle of defendants might also get wider.

Arsen Gadzhibekov was one of 12 officers of the Investigative Committee who were killed in the line of duty. The Investigative Committee has no power functions, none the less, criminals realizing that the officers of the Committee play the most important part in investigating and solving crimes, attack them more often. But all those people should be aware of unavoidability of punishment under the current legislation. The most of the attackers were either killed during special operations or convicted and are serving their time in prison. The same fate is expecting to those who tries to attack officers of the Investigative Committee.

04 June 2013 15:05

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