The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Another criminal case opened in Dagestan against head of directorate of youth housing building programs

The North Caucasian main Investigations Directorate of the Russia’s Investigative Committee has launched another criminal proceeding against director of state-owned Directorate of Youth Housing Building Programs Islamudin Agayev over signs of a crime under part 4 of article 159of the RF Criminal Code (swindling).

According to investigators, in 2011-2013, Agayev several times gave orders to a chief accountant of Directorate of Youth Housing Building Programs and an accountant teller in the system of electronic money turnover to make applications to receive money transferred to the account of the Directorate by the Youth Affairs Committee in Dagestan and signed them with his electronic digital signature. Then by email the applications were sent to the Office of Federal Treasury of the Republic of Dagestan. As a result, budgetary funds of 199 million rubles on the Agayev’s orders were withdrawn from a settlement account of the Directorate and given to him. He spent the money on his own needs. To conceal the traces of the crime Agayev gave orders to the chief accountant to make knowingly counterfeit documents withdrawal receipts worth over 38 million rubles.

Earlier Agayev was under investigation on suspicions of committing a crime under part 1 of article 286 (exceeding official powers). 22 million rubles were put on the personal account of the Directorate of Youth Housing Building Programs to finance the federal special-target program “Dwelling” in 2002-2010. The money should have been transferred to citizens as subsidies to buy houses. Despite the fact, in 2010 Agayev used false applications made on behalf of several participants of the program on transfer of their due subsidies on account of paying off the debts in the agreements on acquisition of dwelling and groundlessly transferred to non-budget account of the Directorate of Youth Housing Building Programs over 2.8 million rubles. Later the money was transferred to settlement accounts of OOO New-City (LLC), OOO Tash-Bash (LLC), OOO Dagstroyresurs (LLC). As a result three participants of the program “Provision of dwelling for young families” were deprived of their right on subsidies.

These crimes were revealed thanks to joint work of officers of the Investigative Committee, Main Office of the Interior Ministry in the North Caucasian federal District and Office of the Federal Security Service in Dagestan.

The suspect has been apprehended. Investigators are contemplating custodial pre-trial restraining measure.

11 July 2013 09:48

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