The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Alexander Bastrykin holds operational meeting in Saint-Petersburg

Today Chairman of the Russia’s Investigative Committee Alexander Bastrykin has held an operational meeting in Saint-Petersburg.

The meeting was attended by the head of Northwestern Federal District Investigations Directorate, the head of Saint-Petersburg Main Investigations Directorate, head of Leningrad Region Investigations Directorate and head of Northwestern Transport Investigations Directorate of the Russia’s investigative Committee.

They presented their reports on the results of performance of their divisions over the first half of the year. Having noted a number of drawbacks in the work of the directorates, the Chairman ordered to eliminate them. In addition, Mr. Bastrykin focused attention on necessity to show compassion to the victims, work more carefully on the applications of the citizens, improve preliminary investigation and shorten time of investigation.

11 July 2013 13:43

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