The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Two arrested on suspicions of attacking State Duma deputy Roman Khudyakov

In the criminal case opened in attack on State Duma deputy Roman Khudyakov containing signs of crimes under paragraph “a” of part 2 of article 116 of the RF Criminal Code (battery through hooliganism) and part 1 of article 213 (hooliganism) Moscow Main Investigations Directorate of the Russia’s Investigative Committee has requested the court to place the two detainees under arrest.

Today, the court, having granted the investigators’ petition, has authorized arrest of Artur Minbulatov and Zakarya Gadzhiyev was arrested yesterday. According to investigators it was Minbulatov, who was driving the car and together with Gadzhiyev attacked Khudyakov. Now investigators are preparing charges against Minbulatov and Gadzhiyev, who has already had police records for use of violence against a representative of the authority.

During the criminal investigation investigators are going to objectively qualify both the fact of attack at deputy Khudyakov and actions of the persons under investigation concerning resistance to the police officers and storage of firearms. Besides, the suspects are being checked on involvement in other crimes.

We remind that on July 9, 2013, about 7:30 pm, an unknown man in Toyota Land Cruiser made a dangerous movement near No 26 on Berezhkovskaya embankment and nearly collided with the car of Roman Khudyakov. Then almost having pressed Khudyakov’s car to the side of the road the driver and a passenger got from the car and without any reasons and using bad language they hit Khudyakov several times on the head and fled the scene. Investigation is ongoing.

12 July 2013 11:24

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