The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Investigators carry on gathering evidence against Yevgeny Urlashov and his accomplices

The Central Federal District Investigations Directorate of the Russia’s Investigative Committee continues investigating a criminal case against Yaroslavl mayor Yevgeny Urlashov and his accomplices charged with attempted bribery on an especially large scale (part 3 of article 30, part 6 of article 290 of the RF Criminal Code) and attempted mediation in bribery (part 3 of article 30, part 4 of article 291.1).

It should be noted that the accused Poykalaynen and Zakharov are still cooperating with investigation and during face-to-face interrogations confirmed their testimonies exposing Urlashov in attempted bribery. The accused Urlashov, Lopatin and Donskov have chosen another way trying to justify their actions in some way and through their lawyers offered another version of events. But they did not invent anything new, saying that Shmelyov had allegedly brought them the bribe as a voluntary sponsorship contribution to the party “Civilian Platform” which he allegedly had wanted to join.

Of course, investigators will check this version as well, but the evidence we have today disproves it completely. Namely, the plaintiff himself – Mr. Shmelyov – confirmed that the money was extorted from him as a so called kickback for a contract and its extension.

Investigators realize very well that the accused Urlashov, Lopatin and Donskov will further attempt by any ways to lead investigation away from the truth, but so far everything is quite on the contrary. Moreover, investigators are checking information on another case of criminal activity of the accused, and a corresponding procedural decision will be made over the materials in the near future.

We remind that according to investigators the Yaroslavl mayor and his subordinates in 2012-2013 extorted from a CEO of a company a bribe of 14 million rubles from a sum transferred to the account of the company as a payment for the completed work. In case the CEO refused, the accused several times threatened to not to pay for the work done under the next contract.

At present investigating operations are underway to consolidate the current evidence and to gather new ones. With this purpose investigators are running face-to-face interrogations and have assigned phonographic, computer and technical and other expert examinations. The documents seized from Yaroslavl mayor’s office are being checked. Investigation of the criminal case is ongoing.

Head of Media Relations                                                                                                   V.I. Markin

31 July 2013 09:10

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