The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Another criminal case opened into mass disease of children at recreation center in Moscow Region

Moscow Region investigating bodies of the Main Investigations Directorate of the Russia’s Investigative Committee have launched a criminal investigation into mass infection of more than 50 children at the recreation center of Moscow branch of Arts and Information Technologies Institute of Saint-Petersburg humanitarian institutions of trade unions over signs of a crime under article 238 of the RF Criminal Code (rendering services which don’t meet requirements for life and health safety).

According to preliminary information early in summer there was organized assembly of drama students of L.A. Filatov Moscow State College 191 people, including 146 children aged between 11 and 18 arrived at the recreation center from different regions of Russia. the children, however, had no permit to stay and had no medical examination. Since 5 August 2013 the children started to come to the doctor complaining about high fever, sore throat and weakness. Bu August 8 the number of children fallen ill was 52. 10 of them were hospitalized, including 2 with the diagnosis of enteric infection.

At present the staff of educational facilities are being questioned and necessary expert examinations have been assigned. Investigators are going to find whether conditions of staying and meals for children as well as sanitary and epidemiological requirements complied with the required standards.

This is 13 criminal case started this summer concerning organization of children's leisure. Unfortunately we have to admit that this year again children's health facilities were completely not ready to admit children: multiple mass poisonings, infection with dangerous diseases, violation of elementary safety rules often ending up fatally. Children still exposed to abuse from persons employed to educate them. Each year parents basically have to play a kind of “Russian roulette” sending their children to summer camps. within this summer alone investigating bodies of the Russia’s Investigative Committee have launched 16 procedural checks and have already opened 13 criminal cases regarding crimes in organization of children’s summer camps in different regions of Russia. 9 pre-investigating checks are underway into facts of different viral infections and poisonings alone and 6 criminal proceedings have been started. Within two summer months over 150 children got poisoned in children’s summer camps in Sverdlovsk Region. Cases of meningitis were registered in different regions and there are fatal among them. Due to negligence of teachers 3 children drowned. In July alone 4 small girls were sexually abused by the staff of children’s camps.

It seems that heads of children’s health facilities entrusted with lives and health of our children are not only careless, but as if there is no control over them by officials of the ministry of Education, local executive authorities and other bodies that should be supervising this area and controlling recruitment and training of staff working with children. I would like to ask them: How come people dangerous not only for children, but even for adults join the staff of educational and children’s health facilities? There have been several cases revealed when people with previous police records were permitted working with children. This is showing one more time the fact that there is no and has not been any systematic check on the information on previous police records, on education or professional training, medical examinations.

The Russia’s Investigative Committee, which investigates all the crimes committed against children, is very concerned over this situation. it is high time to settle in legislation the matter of checking all the people warranted to work with children, at least in medical area, police records and basic professional training. this concerns not only teachers, but all those involved in organization of children’s summer holidays.

We also think that the number of accidents with and crimes against children in summer camps should be included in the list of efficiency indicators of executive authorities in RF subjects.

There is another summer month ahead so we are addressing all teachers and tutors, who are now with our children, are organizing their leisure time, keeping them healthy, safe and mentally comfortable: treat them like were own children, don't be indifferent.

We are also addressing all those who have witnessed any unlawful acts committed against children in children's health camps or abuse of their rights: report the acts in territorial investigating bodies fo the Russia’s Investigative Committee. If you report timely, we can avoid tragedies.

Head of Media Relations                                                                                                               V.I. Markin 

09 August 2013 13:50

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