The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Criminal investigation launched in Omsk Region in carelessness of officials resulting in fatal collision of barge and passenger motor vessel in the Irtysh River

The West Siberian Transport Investigations Directorate of the Russia’s Investigative Committee has launched a criminal case over signs of a crime under part 3 of article 293 of the RF Criminal Code (negligence).

We remind that on 17 August 2013, at about 1:30 PM local time the passenger motor vessel Polesie-8 of OAO Omsk River Port (OJSC) travelling from Omsk to the village of Achair collided with the barge B-908, stamp RT-817 of OOO Priboy (LLC) at 1,857th km of the Irtysh River, due to which was damaged and sank partially. 4 people were killed in the accident, 2 more died in hospitals afterwards and 47 passengers and 2 crew members were injured.

Investigators believe that the tragedy was due to non-fulfillment of their duties by some officials, who are now being identified. They believe that due to negligence of those officials the captain of Polesie-8 was allowed to handle the vessel without mandatory medical examination before the voyage.

At present investigating operations are underway to find all the circumstances of the crime. Investigation is ongoing.

In addition, the West Siberian Transport Investigations Directorate of the Russia’s Investigative Committee is carrying on investigation into collision of passenger motor vessel Polesie-8 and the barge in the Irtysh launched over signs of a crime under part 3 of article 263 of the RF Criminal Code (violation of safety rules for traffic and operation of internal water transport involving by negligence death of two or more people).

21 August 2013 14:56

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