The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Persons involved in encroachment on life of Secretary of Ingushetia’s Security Council Akhmet Kotiyev and police officer Ruslan Kotiyev identified

On the order of the senior officials of the Russia’s Investigative Committee the North-Caucasus Federal District main Investigations Directorate has accepted into its proceedings a criminal case launched over an encroachment on the life of Secretary of Ingushetia’s Security Council Akhmet Kotiyev and Ruslan Kotiyev, a police officer who accompanied him containing signs of crimes under article 227 of the RF Criminal Code (encroachment of the life of a statesman or a public figure), article 317 (encroachment on the life of a law enforcement agent) and part 2 of article 222 (illegal circulation of firearms).

During the investigation it has been found that on 27.08.2013, about 07:40 AM, opposite household No 102 in Shosseynaya Street in the village of Nizhniye Achaluki in Malgobeksky district in the Republic of Ingushetia the unidentified people gunned from 5.45 and 7.62 caliber submachine guns the VAZ-2111440 car driven by Ruslan Kotiyev born in 1981 and in which Akhmet Kotiyev, born in 1960, the secretary if Ingushetia’s Security Council was travelling to work. The victims were wounded in the shooting, Ruslan Kotiyev was killed on the spot and Akhmet Kotiyev died at a hospital.

An investigating group arrived at the crime scene immediately. During the examination of the crime scene using special forensic equipment, the investigators seized 111 cartridge cases, 75 of them were 7.62х39 mm caliber and 36 – 5.45 mm; 30 fragments of bullet jackets and cores, video cameras from the buildings near the scene. Besides, during the investigation of the victims’ car they seized 4 bullets of caliber 7.62 mm; 7 bullet cores of caliber 7.62 mm; 1 bullet core of caliber 5.45 mm.

It has been found that in the assault on Secretary of Ingushetia’s Security Council Kotiyev the assailants used the same gun used to attack an officer of Ingushetia’s Federal Security Service Directorate in the town of Malgobek in October 2012; during the murder of the chief of a pretrial detention center of the Ingushetia’s Department of the Interior Ministry M.R. Peshkhoyev, and his son I.M. Peshkhoyev in June 2012; in the murder of the district police officer of Ingushetia’s Department of the Interior Ministry B.U. Dodov in June 2012; in the murder of Malgobeksky district department of internal affairs of the Interior Ministry in the Republic of Ingushetia S.A. Matiyev in August 2011; in an encroachment on the life of the officers of Malgobeksky district department of internal affairs of the Interior Ministry in the Republic of Ingushetia M.T. Bekbuzarov and M.D. Murziyev, who were conducting investigating and search operations to find and arrest members of an illegal armed organization in the woods on the southeastern outskirts of the village of Sagopshi, Malgobeksky district in the Republic of Ingushetia in July 2011; in gun fire at the car VAZ-217030 Lada Priora in June 2011, which was carrying the inspector of the Department of the Traffic Safety Inspectorate of Malgobeksky district department of internal affairs of the Interior Ministry in the Republic of Ingushetia B.B. Belkharoyev and a resident of the village of Sagopshi M.K. Belkharoyev.

Necessary expert examinations have been fixed and are being run over all the seized evidence. As a result of a professional work of the officers of the main investigations department in close cooperation with operational units of the Interior Ministry and Ingushetia’s Department of the Federal Security Service it has been found that the members of the illegal armed organization led by Artur Getagazhev acting in Malgoveksky district were involved in the assault at of Secretary of Ingushetia’s Security Council Akhmet Kotiyev.

The main version of the crime is Kotiyev’s professional activity as the Secretary of Ingushetia’s Security Council, including  adapting the surrendered militants to peaceful life. Investigation is ongoing.

Head of Media Relations                                                                                                  V.I. Markin

28 August 2013 10:05

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