The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Investigation of another case against former head of rural settlement Borodinskoye, Mozhaysky district finished in Moscow Region

The Moscow region investigating bodies of the Russia’s investigative Committee have finished investigating another criminal case against former head of rural settlement Borodinskoye, Mozhaysky municipal district in Moscow Region Maya Sklyuyeva and an acquaintance of hers. They are charged with crimes under parts 3 and 4 of article 159 of the RF Criminal Code (swindling).

According to investigators, Sklyuyeva in 2007, working in the administration of Borodinskoye rural settlement together with her accomplice, who at the time was the head of the settlement, illegally registered two certificates of land ownership on the name of an acquaintance of the theirs, based on which they had the right to dispose of two pieces of lands in the villages of Staroye Selo and Levashovo in Mozhaysky district, Moscow Region. As the result of those actions the two pieces of lands ceased to be managed by the administration of Mozhaysky district which caused material damage to the district budget. Later the two women sold the pieces of land for 780 thousand and 500 thousand rubles respectively.

Earlier the court had sentenced Sklyuyeva to 5.5 years in a minimum security penitentiary and a fine of 500 thousand rubles. The criminal case against her accomplice was ceased due to the death of the accused.

Investigators have gathered enough evidence and the case with the approved indictment against Sklyuyeva and her accomplice has been forwarded to court to be tried on the merits.

Head of Media Relations                                                                                                   V.I. Markin

16 September 2013 09:27

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