The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Former minister of transport and road building put on trial in Kamchatka Territory for abuse of office

The Far East Federal District Investigations Directorate of the Russia’s Investigative Committee has finished investigating a criminal case against former minister of transport and road building in Kamchatka Territory Vladimir Silyukov. He is charged with crimes under article 289 of the RF Criminal Code (illegal participation in business activity), parts 2 and 3 of article 285 (abuse of official powers).

According to investigators, in 2009-2011 Silyukov was head of Transport Agency in Kamchatka District and later the minister for transport and road building. Through his relative he took part in managing a limited liability company. He also used his official position to provide the company with privileges and patronage, connected with artificial creation of conditions for the most favorable functioning and with signing with the company profitable state contracts on a priority basis. These illegal actions provided the company with the stable income, part of which Silyukov spent on his own needs.

In 2010, during the implementation of the provisions of the state contract signed with a commercial company on the supply of five tractors DT-75 for the needs of the Kamchatka Territory, he signed certificates of acceptance post factum without making sure that the company had had registration documents, which caused the budgets of the territory to lose 7 million rubles.

In addition, in the period between April and July 2011, Silyukov during an open tender for the state contract on building of a cargo-and-passenger vessel for the needs of the Kamchatka Territory created conditions so that the company he was illegally running could have won. Later the signing of the state contract with the company caused to the Kamchatka Territory budget a loss of over 102 million rubles.

Investigators have gathered enough evidence and the criminal case against the former official with the approved indictment has been forwarded to court to be tried on the merits.

Head of Media Relations                                                                                                   V.I. Markin

23 September 2013 09:40

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