The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Investigators taking measures to provide rights of arrested crew members of Arctic Sunrise

During the investigation of a criminal case over an assault on the Prirazlomnaya oil rig, the investigators of Northwestern Federal District Investigations Directorate of the Russia’s Investigative Committee at night of 25 September held 30 crew members of the Arctic Sunrise ship as suspects under article 91 of the RF Criminal Procedure Code.

In accordance with the norms of the RF Criminal Procedure Code three of the apprehended, who are Russian citizens, were questioned immediately. As for the foreign citizens, who were on board the ship, they have not been questioned yet.

At present investigators are looking for the interpreters for the detainees as without them the questionings are impossible. In addition investigators are providing all the detainees with lawyers.

Three lawyers employed by Greenpeace are willing to defend all the detainees, but investigators can’t allow that as according to Russian Criminal Procedure Code one and the same person cannot defend two suspects or accused if their interests contradict each other. As the investigation is on primary stage, investigators do not rule out that the interests of some of the detainees might later go into contradiction.

As soon as the foreign detainees are supplied with interpreters and lawyers, the investigators will start questioning and other investigating operations.

All actions of the Russian investigators are in strict accordance with Russian legislation and international law and are directed on rigorous observance of rights of members of criminal procedure.

Head of Media Relations                                                                                                      V.I. Markin

25 September 2013 10:35

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