The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Investigators looking into circumstances of negligence during tuberculine skin test at school in Primorye

The investigating bodies of the Russia’s Investigative Committee in Primorsky Territory continue investigating a criminal case over the negligence of the medical personnel of Yakovlevskaya Central District Hospital, who were in charge of tuberculine skin test and control over its procedure, containing the signs of a crime under part 1 of article 293 of the RF Penal Code (negligence).

During the probe the investigators of the regional Investigative Committee have questioned about 10 people, including personnel of Yakovlevskaya Central District Hospital and representatives of the company, who Developed and manufactured tuberculine, have seized and studied the documents.

According to investigators the schoolchildren were given shots of tuberculine released as a powder and which could be used only in specialized clinics, T.B. hospitals for individual diagnostics and in accordance strict medical prescriptions by specially trained personnel warranted to make Mantoux tests. The investigators have found that the vaccination was carried out by a medic, who did not have a special license and who exceeded the dosage by 2.5 thousand times. It should be noted that the experiments with the dose of tuberculine exceeding the standard dose by 2.5 thousand times have never been carried out before.

The investigators have also found that the person responsible for procedure and control over tuberculine skin tests among the children in Yakovlevsky district was a pediatrician of Yakovlevskaya Central District Hospital.

At present she is the main suspect, as the investigators believe that it was through her careless attitude that a non-licensed specialist was allowed to make the tuberculine tests. On the recommendations of the specialists and the initiative of the parents 11 of the victims have been sent to Moscow for medical examination. The investigators have fixed forensic expert examinations and are questioning witnesses. The investigation is ongoing.

14 October 2013 09:00

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