The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Investigative Committee holds ceremony dedicated to 90th anniversary of Alexander Yakovlevich Sukharev

The Russian Federation Investigative Committee today has held a ceremony to celebrate the 90th anniversary of General Prosecutor of the USSR, veteran of the Great Patriotic War, Counselor of State of Justice Alexander Yakovlevich Sukharev.

The Chairman of the Russia’s Investigative Committee congratulated Mr. Sukharev and awarded him departmental medals, including the medal “For commitment to duty”.

Speaking at the ceremony Mr. Bastrykin reminded that Mr. Sukharev had been nicknamed “Patriarch of Soviet Justice”. According to the Chairman it was Mr. Sukharev, who in 1988 appointed him the director of the Institution for Improvement of Investigators of the USSR Prosecutor’s Office.

Mr. Sucharev was also congratulated by Deputy Chairman of the Council of the Union of Veterans of Investigation Vladimir Dontsov, Vice-Chancellor of the Russian Law Academy of the Russian Ministry of Justice Olga Alexandrova and Honored President of the Russian Law Academy Vladimir Geykhman.

During his long and rich life Mr. Sukharev was honored with many awards. Along with orders for his work, he was awarded battle awards, Order of Red Banner, Red Star, three Orders of the Great patriotic War.

15 October 2013 17:20

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