The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

In shortest time suspects of brutal rape and robbery detained in Moscow

At night of 18 October 2013, in the east of Moscow near house No 18 in Suzdalsky Street, unidentified people attacked a 58-year-old woman. They beat her, raped, subjected to other sexual abuses and stole from her two cell phones and money and then fled the scene. The investigating bodies of Moscow Main Investigative Committee have launched a criminal investigation into crimes under articles 131, 132 and 161 of the RF Penal Code (rape, sexual abuse and robbery).

During the investigating and search operations the investigators in cooperation with Moscow police in shortest possible time have identified the three persons suspected of the crime. They are Kirgiz nationals, who have already been questioned and testified confirming their involvement in the crime. During the search in the suspects’ flats the investigators seized 6 cell phones. During the investigating the men will be checked on involvement in other similar crimes committed in Moscow. At present investigating operations are underway with the suspects. In the near future the issue of the pretrial restraining measure is going to be resolved, and then depending on their roles in the crime, they are going to be charged.

It should be noted that the Investigative Committee has repeatedly drown attention to the stable rise in the number of crimes committed by migrants and CIS nationals. Namely, in Moscow alone the foreigners and persons without citizenship have committed 6,255 crimes over the first half of 2013, which is more than 40% more comparing with the same period last year. Almost all those crimes (97.9%) were committed by the citizens of the near abroad. Moreover in 2013 the foreign citizens committed almost every 6th murder and every third rape. So the proposals of the Investigative Committee regarding migration control and prevention of crimes committed by citizens of foreign countries are as urgent as ever.

Head of Media Relations                                                                                                      V.I. Markin

18 October 2013 15:37

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