The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Criminal investigation launched in Pskov Region into explosion killing 6 soldiers

The Military Investigations Department of the Russia’s Investigative Committee in Pskov garrison has launched a criminal investigation into an explosion on 714th training ground of Airborne Forces containing signs of a crime under part 3 of article 349 of the RF Penal Code (violation of rules for handling firearms and objects representing higher danger for people around inflicting through negligence death of two or more people).

It has been found that in accordance with the plan of main training in 2013-2014 of Army General V. F. Vargelov Ryazan High Airborne Command School (military institute) (hereinafter Airborne Command School) airborne combat vehicle-2 firing practice were planned in the period between 20 October and 2 November 2013 on 714th training ground with personnel of 2nd platoon of 11th company of the said school. About 7 PM, 22 October 2013, after firing training on directrix of airborne combat vehicle-2 11 military students of 2nd platoon of 11th company headed by electrician-operator of directrix of airborne combat vehicle-2 of the abovementioned training round, set off to the line of 1,400 meters to set up a shooting mark and to prepare the field with targets for firing practice. On their way back, an unidentified explosive blasted about 50 meters away from the target, killing 5 military students and a sergeant of contract service of military unit 71231. Two more servicemen were wounded and taken to Pskov Regional Hospital.

At present the military investigators are carrying out necessary investigating operations: examining the scene (with the assistance of a bomb disposal technician), fixing forensic ballistic and medical expert examinations and questioning the eyewitnesses. The investigators are looking into the causes of the explosion, type of the shell and other circumstances vital for the investigation. The investigation is ongoing.

23 October 2013 11:10

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