The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Meeting of regional NGO Union of Investigation Veterans attended by Investigative Committee Chairman

The non-government organization Union of Investigation Veterans has held a meeting to hear reports and elect new officials. The meeting was attended by Chairman of the Russia’s Investigative Committee Alexander Bastrykin.

The meeting heard the reports by Vice-Chairman of the Council of the Union of Investigation Veterans Vladimir Dontsov, by revision commission, and the chairman and the vice-chairman of the Council of the NGO were elected. The open vote on alternative base elected the Council Chairman 3 class counselor of state Vladimir Dontsov and his deputy1 class counselor of state Vladimir Zubrin.

During the meeting with the veterans in view of the coming reorganization of the Investigative Committee and passing to it the investigative offices of other security agencies Mr. Bastrykin set forth the idea to involve the veterans in recruitment. He also pointed out that the veterans should write memoires and have them published in internal press and to widen the Hall of preliminary investigation history. The agenda also included such a relevant question as making the veterans members of the commission admitting students to the Cadet Corps of the Russia’s Investigative Committee. Mr. Bastrykin pointed out that when taking cadets the priority has to be given to orphans, including children of law enforcement agents, who died in the life of duty.

The meeting also discussed the necessity to involve the veterans in creation and work of the future Academy of the Investigative Committee and to establish cooperation between the veterans organization and the NGOs of workers-internationalists and the Heroes of the Russian Federation.

It was also decided to immortalize the memory of the first Chairman of the veterans organization Vladimir Kravtsov and to commission a memorial medal named after him to award the best officers of the Russia’s Investigative Committee.

18 December 2013 13:24

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