The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Former first deputy head of Berdsk town administration in Novosibirsk Region found guilty of exceeding powers and misappropriation

Court has found the evidence gathered by Novosibirsk Region investigating bodies of the Russia’s Investigative Committee enough to convict first deputy head of Berdsk town administration Yevgeny Martyanov. He was found guilty of crimes under part 4 of article 160 of the RF Penal Code (misappropriation) and paragraph “c” of part 3 of article 286 (exceeding official powers).

The court and investigators have found that in the period between December 2004 and March 2010 Yevgeny Martyanov while being first deputy head of Berdsk town administration supervised the work of housing and communal office. In February 2006 he was appointed head of municipal institution Housing and communal services management company of Berdsk. To return the extra tax paid by the institution Martyanov with the help of the employees of the accounting department had to count the tax correctly and prepare the documents to be submitted to the tax authority. In addition he could have employed an auditor specializing in the budget of Berdsk, who was obliged to do the job free of charge. However, Martyanov concluded an agreement on information and consulting services with a commercial organization worth over 23 million rubles. Besides to conclude the agreement according to the law there should have been a tender among legal persons, but there wasn’t any. Under the agreement the money was transferred on the account of the company.

In December 2007 Martyanov bought some promissory notes on the money of the municipal institution. Then it was decided to liquidate the municipal institution and the assets, facilities and promissory notes were subject to be passed to the municipality of Berdsk. Martyanov misappropriated a part of promissory notes worth 23 million rubles, deliberately not having submitted them for the record and safe-keeping to the accounting department and not having recorded their purchase. Later, after the institution had been liquidated, Martyanov used the promissory notes to get the money through some acquaintances of his.

During the probe, the property of the accused worth 42 million rubles has been arrested on the petition of the investigators.

The court sentenced Martyanov to 5 years in a minimum-security penal facility.

26 December 2013 10:00

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