The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

In Tver Region chief of local office of State Traffic Safety Inspectorate and his ex-wife accused of swindling put on trial

The investigating bodies of the Russia’s Investigative Committee in Tver Region have completed investigating a criminal case against head of State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Tver Department of Interior Ministry Valry Kucheryavykh and his ex-wife – a founder and CEO of OOO Vosk-Avto (LLC). They are charged with the crime under part 4 of article 159 of the RF Criminal Code (fraud on an especially massive scale).

According to the investigators, between January and July 2011 the accused submitted to Tver Region security office false information on the expenditures of OOO Vosk-Avto on evacuation of vehicles in Tver and that there were grounds for subsidies. Over the stated period Vosk-Avto received over 5 million rubles as subsidies from the region’s budget, which the accused spent on their own needs. As the result Tver Region suffered loss on an especially massive scale.

A great amount of investigating and procedural operations has been done during the investigation, including over 1,400 witnesses have been interviewed, samples of handwriting and signatures of over 100 witnesses have been received, over 100 forensic expert examinations have been run. The investigators have gathered enough evidence, therefore the criminal case with the approved indictment has been sent to court to be tired on the merits.

Kucheryavykh has been suspended from office for the period of investigation.

03 February 2014 12:43

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