The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Investigative Committee holds meeting of Consultative Council on assisting orphans

Today the Russia’s Investigative Committee has held a meeting of the Consultative Council of the Russia’s Investigative Committee on assisting orphans and children deprived of parental care presided over by Chairman of the Committee Alexander Bastrykin.

The meeting was attended by children ombudsperson in Saint-Petersburg Svetlana Agapitova, head of education office of Education and Youth Policy Department of Oryol Region Irina Provalenkova, head of post-orphanage support of family education center Nash Dom Yuri Zaretsky, officials of the Central Office of the Russia’s Investigative Committee, constant members of the Consultative Council and representatives of social facilities of a number of regions.

Mr. Bastrykin delivered a welcoming speech and pointed out the measures taken by stat bodies for social support of former inmates of children’s homes to help them adapt in society are the most important area in protecting children’s rights. He stressed that recently the Russian Federation had seen a considerable growth of crimes committed against underage children. Thus, in 2013 the investigating bodies of the Investigative Committee investigated over 17 thousand crimes committed against underage (which is 3 thousand more than in 2012). Of them 593 murders, over 1.5 thousand rapes and 4.5 thousand acts of sexual abuses. 208 inmates of children’s homes were recognized victims.

During the meeting the Council discussed a number of serious problems orphans face when starting adult independent life. Provision them with housing after leaving children’s homes and other specialized facilities and a problem of negligence and lack of proper control over safety and amenity of housing with abuses of officials are especially acute in many regions.

The meeting also noted positive results of activity aimed at improving conditions of life of orphans. Mr. Bastrykin noted that the offers worked out during several previous meetings had already been partly enshrined in the federal law “On basics of social service for citizens in the Russian Federation” passed in December 2013 (of 28.12.2013 No442-FZ) and regulating social support. A very important provision of the law is that persons under 23, who left orphanages, need social support. The law gives details on all kinds of social services, including those for orphans, including social, medical, pedagogical, labor, legal and others needed for their normal life. The law comes into force on 1 January 2015.

The Investigative Committee takes active part in raising the younger generation and developing cadetship in Russia. The investigating divisions of the Committee patronize Murom children’s home and cadet classes of the Investigative Committee in Khimki, Murmansk, Saint-Petersburg, Stavropol Territory. During the meeting the speakers noted positive practice of supporting children’s homes in regions by investigations directorates in Moscow, Saint-Petersburg and Oryol Region.

Head of Media Relations                                                                                                      V.I. Markin

16 April 2014 18:05

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