The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

In Kemerovo Region on eve of Victory Day employees of Investigative Committee organized meeting of veterans and highschool graduates

The Kemerovo Region Investigations Directorate of the Russia’s Investigative Committee from the very first day of its existence has made ties with veterans of investigating profession. Those people were heroes during the Great Patriotic War and after that joined another post-war battle. Raisa Brushtein was an investigator in 1945, Klavdia Maksimenko was an investigator in Chebula District in 1946. Rest in peace. During happy, but hard post-war years they believed in people, country and future. The day of 9 May is a sacred holiday for all our people!

On the eve of the great holiday Head of the Kemerovo Region Investigations Directorate of the Russia’s Investigative Committee Sergey Kalinkin visited Faina Fyodorovna Barysheva. She wasn’t at war, but during first post-war years worked as an investigator, and then fought crimes during all her life. Mr. Kalinkin presented her with flowers and the book “Investigating office of Siberia. Landmarks of history” with Ms. Barysheva’s picture and memoirs in it.

Unfortunately each year veterans of the Great Patriotic War become fewer and fewer and soon our children will learn about the great deed of our grandparents only during history classes. So each year employees of the Investigations Directorate organize meetings between these two generations.

Veteran of the Great Patriotic War Yevgeny Nikolayevich Sherstennikov was 17 in 1942, he just graduated from school. Today he met the same boys and girls in school No 11 in Kemerovo.

Mr. Sherstennikov told them how in 1942 he was called up in the Red Army, how he took part in battles on Central and Leningrad fronts as a commander of a platoon. He was demobilized only in 1947. He will be 90 in June 2014.

The teenagers listened with great interest to the veteran telling them about his experiences, hardships and the Great Victory. Traditionally employees of the Investigative Committee presented him with a basket of foodstuffs and the teenagers gave their own present.

After the official meting the children did not let the veteran go for a long time, they listened to and looked at him with open mouths. They got a general picture with him, and sometime they are going to tell their own children about his experiences!

These days such meetings are taking place in all investigating offices of the Kemerovo Region Investigations Directorate.

Employees of the Russia’s Investigative Committee will place wreath to the Eternal Flame on 9 May to pay tribute to all the veterans of the Great Patriotic War.

06 May 2014 11:22

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