The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Solemn meeting dedicated to 69th anniversary of Victory in Great Patriotic War took place in Yakutia

A solemn meeting dedicated to the 69th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War has taken place in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). Veteran of the Great Patriotic War Raisa Vasilyevna Fyodorova was a guest of honor. The meeting was also attended by Chairman of the Public Council of the Investigations Directorate Vilyam Ochirovich Ivanov, veteran of investigating bodies Makar Makarovich Yakovlev, inmates of the patronized boarding school for orphans and children left without parental care, senior officials and personnel of the Investigations Directorate.

Ms. Fyodorova told the personnel of the Investigations Directorate about hardships of the Soviet people during the War, about her service in an air defense artillery regiment in Baku Army protecting oil fields in the Caucasus against German bombers. She was honored with the medal for Defense of the Caucasus and many jubilee medals. The veteran told about hardships of post-war time and gave several pieces of wise advice. Ms. Fyodorova gave the personnel of the Investigations Directorate the book “Front-line Yakut Families”, which among others tells the story of Ms. Fyodorova’s family and her own publication “Loved and Dear”, which she had written about her husband A.I. Fyodorov, a fighter pilot.

Inmates of the patronized Republican specialized (remedial) boarding school No 2 of VIII type for orphans and children left without parental care said sincere congratulations to the veteran and all the present. Touching performance of the little ones, poems, songs of war time and a vivid dance Yakutyanochka left nobody untouched. The inmates of the school took part in a contest of drawings dedicated to the Victory Day. Young artists received presents.

At the end of the meeting employees of the Investigations Directorate and the guests took a picture to remember about a warm meeting.

The same day employees of the Investigations Directorate visited the patronized boarding school and took part in awarding the winners and contestants of the contest “Songs of War Feet”.

06 May 2014 11:25

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