The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

In Omsk Region on eve of Victory Day employees of Investigative Committee made tour around memorable places in Omsk for inmates of social rehab

On the eve of the Day of Victory in the Great Patriotic War employees of the Omsk Region Investigations Directorate of the Russia’s Investigative Committee made for the inmates of the Garmonia, social rehabilitation center for underage, a tour around memorable places in the city of Omsk.

The investigators together with the teenagers aged between 13 and 16, who have hard times, visited memorable places of the city – the memorial complex in the Victory Park, the war memorial Eternal Flame, and the largest in Russia monument to the workers of the homefront, immortalizing the feat of Omsk homefront – workers and peasants, tank builders and railway workers, as well as doctors in war hospitals.

In the solemn atmosphere the teenagers heard about the heroes of war. 150 thousand Omsk soldiers had never come back from battlefields, they were killed in actions, went missing, or died of wounds in hospitals. 271 Omsk soldiers had been honored with the title of the Hero of the USSR and over 30 Omsk soldiers are full cavaliers of the Order of Glory. 3,500 workers, engineers and workers at industrial plants of the region had been awarded orders and medals of the Soviet Union, several thousand had received medal “For Valiant Work in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945”.

In the Victory Park the teenagers went into a chapel built in the memory of the killed in the Great Patriotic War. The chapel was sanctified in the name of three saint warriors of Russia: George the Victorious, Alexander Nevsky and Dmitry Donskoy. They placed flowers to the memorial sign of survivors of siege, the memorial to Omsk soldiers, victims of local wars and flashpoints, and to the foot of the 14-meter-high sculpture of the Victorious Soldier. The teenagers walked on a symbolic paved “road of war” – the road of 1,418 days and nights of furious fighting and hard work, worries and expectations.

After visiting memorial complexes the inmates of the social rehabilitation center and the employees of the Investigations Directorate laid flowers to the Eternal Flame commemorating the heroes killed in the Great Patriotic War.

This is not the first meeting between the investigators and problem teenagers. The employees of the Investigations Directorate on the constant basis provide assistance to the staff of the social rehabilitation center in patriotic and moral education.

07 May 2014 08:25

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