The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

In Far East employees of Russia’s Investigative Committee congratulate veterans of Great Patriotic War

Following a good tradition, on the eve of the Victory Day, employees of the Gar Eastern Transport Investigations Directorate came to congratulate veteran of the Great Patriotic War 93-year-old resident of the village of Volochayevka-2 in the Jewish Autonomous Region Polina Tikhonovna Merkulyeva.

Polina Tikhonovna was born in Voronezh Region. After graduating from Astrakhan Pedagogical Institute she taught mathematics. The girl was called up to the war front in 1942. She served in the 350th infantry division on the First and Second Ukrainian frontlines. She still remembers hard battles for Stalingrad. After contusion in 1944 she was demobilized and worked as a teacher in schools ravaged by the war.

Ms. Merkulyeva came to the Far East in 1957 and for a long time was a mathematics teacher at school No 59 of the Far Eastern railway in the village of Volochayevka-2. In 1978 she retired, but still often visits the school. Ms. Merkulyeva is proud that many of her students went to military schools and became defenders of homeland, just like she was during the war.

Now the veteran is excited preparing for making speech at the rally dedicated to the Victory Day, which will take place on 9 May in the village.

The employees of the Investigations Directorate wished the woman long happy years and sound health and gave her a voucher to Ussuri sanatorium.

07 May 2014 08:15

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