The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

In Arkhangelsk Region on eve of Victory Day employees of investigations directorate honored veterans

On the eve of the Victory Day the Arkhangelsk Region and Nenets Autonomous Area Investigations Directorate met with veterans of investigating work Nina Ivanovna Pleshanova, who turned 90 on 23 January.

Fit and with glowing in her eyes Ms. Pleshanova remembers how in summer 1945 she was dancing at her school prom. Then on the family council it was decided that she would study a two-year course in the Arkhangelsk law school. She started her career as an investigator at 19 in Rovdino District in the Arkhangelsk Region. The young investigator had her personal office with a stove and it was where she was going to live with a straw mattress for bed. For moving around there was only a bicycle, which was rarely used as there were no proper roads, so over the years of service Ms. Pleshanova walked the district far and wide. There were almost no murders in the rear, but war hardships pushed many to suicides and stealing, investigation of which were the main job then. There was no radio in the village, so they learnt about the victory in the war by phone. Ms. Pleshanova served as a village investigator 5 years instead of the prescribed 3. Over that time finished the Leningrad branch of all-USSR Postal Tuition Law Institute and continued working in law enforcement in the north.

Ms. Pleshanova was pleased to share her recollections of the life and service during hard times of the war, gave a word of advice for young investigators, stressing that the experience of investigating work is invaluable and investigation office in genera is a forge for future law employees.

Ms. Pleshanova was awarded the memorable medal of the Russia’s Investigative Committee “300 years to first investigation office” for honest service and on the occasion of the 300th anniversary of the Decree of 25 July 1713 by the Emperor of All Russia peter I the Great on instituting the M.I. Volkonsky investigation office.

07 May 2014 08:08

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