The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Museum of Yaroslavl Region Investigations Directorate opens exhibition devoted to veteran of Great Patriotic War

On 6 May, on the eve of the Victory Day, the museum of the Yaroslavl Region Investigations Directorate of the Russia’s Investigative Committee presented a new exposition devoted to veteran of the Great Patriotic War, special investigator Kim Ivanovich Topotilov. The presentation was attended by senior officials and personnel of the Investigations Directorate and veterans of the investigation.

Mr. Topotilov was born in 1927 in the village of Velzhichi, Mglin District, Bryabsk Region in the family of an office worker. When the war started in 1941, the family evacuated to the Chelyabinsk Region and returned to the Smolensk Region in 1944. Form here in 1944 he was called up to the Soviet Army. As the soldier of the Great Patriotic War he was awarded five governmental awards including medals for Battle Merits, for Victory over German.

From September 1946 to December 1948 Mr. Topotilov was a student at the Black Sea Navy School in Sebastopol. After graduation was an officer of the Navy in the North Fleet and the Caspian Fleet; was transferred to the reserve as lieutenant captain in December 1955. He worked in Gzhatsk District military commissariat and from September 1959 to December 1963 studied in the Saratov Law Institute.

Mr. Topotilov started serving in the prosecutor’s office in February 1964. He was a senior investigator of the Rybinsk prosecutor’s office, a senior investigator of the Yaroslavl Region prosecutor’s office, since March 1983 was a special investigator of the Yaroslavl Region prosecutor’s office. He resigned in 1988 and from December 1993 worked as an investigator in the district prosecutor’s office. He had the title – senior councilor of justice.

Mr. Topotilov many times was praised by the Prosecutor General of the USSR, Prosecutor of the RSFSR and Prosecutor of the Region, shared his experience with young investigators, was published in the collection of articles “Investigating Practice”. Regional newspapers several times published articles about his work.

07 May 2014 08:17

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