The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

In Moscow Region 7 local girls found guilty of brutal beating of invalid girl in September 2013

A court has recognized the evidence gathered by the Moscow Region investigating bodies of the Russia’s Investigative Committee sufficient to convict 7 residents of the village of Kalininets, four of who are underage. Depending on the role they are charged with crimes under part 1 of article 161 of the RF Penal Code (robbery), paragraph “a” of part 3 of article 111 (intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm) and part 4 of article 150 (involvement of an underage in committing a crime by deceit).

The court and investigators have found that the victim communicated with each of the 7 defendants and was occasionally subject to humiliation by them. In the evening of 10 September 2013 the defendants caught the physically challenged girl, who was walking to the shop and forced her to turn to a bench. There they tied her legs up with rags prepared beforehand and took turns in hitting the girl multiple times with their hands, feet, a bag and a bottle on her head, body and limbs. During the beating one of the defendants stole from the victim a cell phone and sold it into a pawn shop. Later they took the girl to the woods, where they continued to beat the victim up and jump on her stomach. The same day the girl was taken to hospital with multiple injuries of different severity. As a result of the injuries the girl’s spleen had to be removed.

The crime was committed cold-bloodedly and with cynicism and resonated widely in the society.

The investigators have done a lot of work. Over 60 witnesses have been questioned, over 18 face-to-face interrogations, 8 checkups of evidence on site and 17 different tests have been run. The sum evidence received during the probe proves guilt of each of the defendants.

In addition, investigators have found reasons and conditions contributing to the crime, therefore requests have been sent to prevention bodies (juvenile office of Naro-Fominsk District Office of the Interior Ministry and education office of Naro-Fomisnk District administration), on the basis of which the responsible ones have been received disciplinary punishment.

The court has sentenced 21-year-old Natalia Mizgireva to 5.5 years to be served in a minimum-security penal colony, Tatyana Dukhovnaya – 1.5 years to be served in a minimum-security penal colony. The court took into consideration that Yevgenia Manukyan had an underage daughter and suspended the sentence until the girl comes of age.

The three underage defendants received suspended sentences of 2 and 3 years in prison, and the fourth one – 3.1 years to be served in a penal colony for juveniles.

The court also sentenced all the girls to pay 1 million rubles in damages.

13 May 2014 13:20

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