The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Staff of Vladimir Region Investigations Directorate of Russia’s Investigative Committee visited veteran of investigations authorities and Great Patriotic War

Employees of the Murom Investigations Department, Vladimir Region congratulated a veteran of the investigative bodies and the Great Patriotic War on the Victory Day.

In February next year, Mariya Pavlovna Chernyshova will celebrate her 90th birthday. Talking about her life, Mariya Pavlovna says: "I ​​was born in Belarus, grew up in Ukraine, and married in Russia". Her life was full of the strokes of fate. When she was 16, she was forcibly moved to Germany, where she worked in a concentration camp at a factory. She was receiving 150 g of bread per day. At 17, she turned gray. They were freed by Americans. Since she was still young, they invited her to live and work in America. "I'd rather be eating bread only, but living in my homeland", - she said. And it was a motto of all her noble life. After the war, Maria Pavlovna came to live in the Selivanovsky District, Vladimir Region. She finished the tenth grade at night school, enrolled in the Correspondence Department of the Law Faculty of the Ivanovo State University. She wanted to be a lawyer. She took her first exams with a little baby. And having received higher education, in 1965, she began to work as an investigator in the Selivanovsky District Prosecutor’s Office. There was no one around to teach her investigative sciences in practice, so she was learnt everything by herself, she read a lot. Maria Pavlovna worked as an investigator until 1981, and having retired before 70 years she continued to work in the legal profession.

Speaking about the work of the investigator, Maria Pavlovna remembers the atrocities she investigated that stuck in the memory. Among them, there are a murder of an infant child committed by his mother, who tried to hide the truth saying that the child had died, but the Investigator Chernyshova found the remains of the child in the oven, and other killings and gang rapes. Maria Pavlovna has been fighting against cruelty, injustice, violations of the law for her entire life. Her staunchness, a special fortitude of mind helped her in her work. These qualities of the real investigator help her withstand the slings and arrows of life now. Last year, when employees of the regional Investigations Directorate of the Investigative Committee of Russia and the Murom Investigations Department congratulated her on Victory Day, she was bedridden since she had broken her hip. Even for younger people, it is a very serious diagnosis. But Maria Pavlovna Chernyshova is not a person who gives up easily.

This year, when employees of the Investigations Department came to congratulate her on the holiday, she met them standing on her feet and led them to the table. And then, she did not let them go until they had tried all the treats, long talked about her work, her life and invited them to celebrate her 90th anniversary.

We sincerely wish good health and long life to the prominent person and citizen Maria Pavlovna Chernyshova.

For the current generation, her life is an example worthy of the highest respect and emulation.

09 May 2014 13:12

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