The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

In Kurgan Region pre-investigating check launched in injury suffered by teenager on football pitch

In the morning of 22 May 2014, during a physical training on a school football pitch in the village of Krasnomylskoye, Shadrinsk Region, loose football goal fell on a 14-year-old teenager. The teenager was hospitalized in grave condition with injuries to his head and face. The Kurgan Region investigating bodies have launched a pre-investigating check into the incident.

According to initial data, the teenager was playing football with his classmates during a school training. During the match he swung on the goal and the loose construction collapsed on him. The teenager suffered an open brain and face injuries.

At the moment investigators are establishing all the circumstances of the incident and identifying the people responsible for maintaining and operation of the sports ground. A procedural decision will be made following the check.

23 May 2014 08:00

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