The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

In Amur Region former member of Legislative Assembly accused of embezzling funds from participatory construction partners and concealment of entity’s funds from taxation

Amur Region investigative agencies of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation completed a criminal investigation against a former member of the Legislative Assembly of the Rmur region, the CEO of "Russia" OOO, Mikhail Korneyev. He is accused of committing crimes under Part 4 of Article 160 of the RF Criminal Code (misappropriation), Article 199.2 of the RF Criminal Code (concealing funds of an entity designated for collecting back taxes and (or) fees committed by the head of the organization on a large scale).

According to investigators, from 2007 to 2010, as CEO of "Russia" Limited Liability Company (OOO) engaged in construction of apartment buildings in the city of Blagoveshchensk, the defendant raised funds totaling more than 1 billion rubles through participatory share construction contracts with citizens. However, in violation of the federal law, according to which participatory construction funds are used solely for the construction of the specified facilities, those funds were spent for other purposes in the interests of "Russia" OOO and other persons . As a result of this criminal activity, more than a thousand people suffered large and very large scale damage.

Besides the accused committed the concealment of funds of the organization designated for collecting back taxes and (or) fees amounting to more than 200 million rubles.

The investigation of this criminal case lasted more than four years; the investigators questioned about two thousand people, made ​​more than a thousand seizures of documents, held several dozen tax, financial analysis, accounting, handwriting, construction, economic and other expert examinations, studied the activities of the organization for the period between 2005 and 2010, examined about 64 thousand documents seized from " Russia" OOO, participatory construction partners and contractors. The criminal case included over 400 volumes, the indictment was typed on 1 thousand 300 pages.

Currently, investigators collected sufficient evidence; in connection with this, the criminal case has been sent for confirmation of the indictment and a decision on submitting the case to the court for consideration on the merits. 

21 May 2014 11:15

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