The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Another suspect of Naro-Fomisnk train crash detained

The Moscow Interregional Transport Investigations Directorate of the Russia’s Investigative Committee continues investigating a criminal case launched into a crime under part 3 of article 263 of the RF Penal Code (violation of safety standards for traffic and operation of railway transport entailing by negligence death of two or more people). Another person – 32-year-old chief of Moscow-Kiev section of the Moscow railway affiliated to OAO Russian Railways Aleksey Vinogradov has been detained on suspicion of the crime.

Today investigators are going to file a motion with a court requesting his arrest.

At present the investigators are studying documents and orders regulating working conditions of repair brigades and questioning officials of the railway transport. There are interesting facts are popping up even on this stage of investigation. It turns out that the current system of incentives and penalties for repair brigades depends directly on whether the train traffic is suspended during the repairs or not. If the traffic is stopped or train speed is reduced, the bonuses paid to the brigades were also reduced. So the investigators have all reasons to suggest that that was why neither the traffic was stopped or train crews were notified about unplanned repairs on the section Bekasovo-1 – Nara on 20 May. The investigators believe that not only that brigade worked or are working like that, therefore, during the investigation not only all the responsible for the crash will be held accountable, but reasons and conditions contributing to the human deaths during the crash will be figured out to prevent such tragedies in future.

Head of Media Relations                                                                                                     V.I. Markin

29 May 2014 14:31

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