The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

New charge pressed against Yaroslavl mayor Yevgeny Urlashov

The Central Federal District Investigations Directorate of the Russia’s Investigative Committee has charged mayor of Yaroslavl Yevgeny Urlashov with crimes under part 3 of article 30 and part 6 of article 290, part 6 of article 290 of the RF Penal Code (attempted bribery by a group of people in a previous concert committed by extortion on an especially large scale; personal receiving of a bribe on an especially large scale).

According to investigators, in 2012-2013, the Yaroslavl mayor and his subordinates extorted from the CEO of a company a bribe of 14 million rubles transferred to his company for the executed work. In case the CEO refused, the accused multiple times threatened not to pay for work executed under the next contract.

In addition, in the same period of time, Urlashov, investigators believe, received a bribe of 30 million rubles from the CEO of a company. The Yaroslavl mayor promised assistance in selling to that company assets of another company, shareholder of which was Yaroslavl mayor’s office.

On one of these days it is planned to press charges against other accomplices of Urlashov.

During the whole period of investigation we have faced and are facing pressure from Urlashov’s lawyers and supporters, who accused us of some kind of politically motivated investigation. And this is despite the fact that his taking the bribe was caught on a CCTV camera. So investigators have not reacted and of course will not react to any ridiculous accusations of this kind, but have relied and will rely in future only on solid facts and evidence, which they have enough to finish the investigation in the near future and pass the files so that all those under investigation can read them.

Head of Media Relations                                                                                                     V.I. Markin

03 June 2014 17:56

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